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Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand River Conference


Updated: August 4, 2022




The name of this organization shall be known as the Grand River Conference.




Section 1.            The purpose of this conference shall be the promotion, regulation, and supervision of

                              all interscholastic activities and contests as may be delegated by the member schools

                              under the jurisdiction of this conference.


Section 2.            Activities currently supervised by the Grand River Conference are as follows:


                                             Fall Season                         Winter Season                  Spring Season

                                             Football                              Boys Basketball                 Boys Track

                                             Softball                               Girls Basketball                 Girls Track

                                             Girls Golf                            Boys Wrestling                  Boys Golf

                                                                                          Girls Wrestling                  Baseball

                                                                                          Band Clinic-even years   Academic Bowl

                                                                                          Vocal Clinic-odd years    


Section 3.            Eight conference schools must participate in any activity for it to be considered         

                              a conference activity.  There will be no conference meet or tournament in any activity

                              that has less than eight schools participating.   With the elimination of partial

                              membership, wrestling shall be an exception to this rule.




Section 1.            Full membership in the Grand River Conference shall be granted to the following schools:

                              Albany, Gallatin, King City, Maysville, Milan, North Andrew, North Harrison,

                              Pattonsburg, Princeton, Polo, Putnam County, St. Joseph Christian, South Harrison,  

                              Stanberry, Trenton, and Worth County.


Section 2.            A.  Any school may be dismissed or suspended from the conference by a three-fourths

                                   vote of the membership schools. A new member may be admitted by a three-fourths

                                   vote of the membership schools.


                              B.  Schools under suspension shall be required to complete all contractual obligations

                                   with conference schools, but shall not be eligible for conference championship

                                   awards or other honors for that sport for that season.


Section 3.            Each member school shall be allowed one vote on all matters to be decided by the

                              conference with said vote being cast by the superintendent or his/her appointed

                              representative, who is to be the school’s secondary school principal or athletic director,

                              at all superintendent meetings.


Section 4.            Three annual meetings for the purpose of conducting conference business and

                              recognizing achievement by schools and students will be held each year.  The first

                              meeting shall be held during the first or second week of August at 10:00 a.m. for

                              administrators, coaches, and other sponsors of school activities at a location to be

                              determined by the conference president.  The second and third meetings will be held

                              for administrators on the first Wednesday of November and the first Wednesday of

                              March at 10:00 a.m. in Bethany.  Special meetings may be called by the conference

                              president for the purpose of conducting business that needs expedient resolution.


Section 5.            Schools desiring membership in the Grand River Conference shall submit a letter of

                              application to the president of the conference.




Section 1.            The governing body of the Grand River Conference shall consist of the superintendents              

                              of all member schools in good standing.


Section 2.            All coaches and others having business with the conference should submit items to their

                              principals and/or superintendents. Superintendents should contact the conference

                              president as soon as possible prior to the meeting and have these items put on the

                              agenda.  Annual meeting agendas and minutes will be subject to modification and a vote

                              for final approval and passage will be taken at the beginning of each meeting.  All press

                              releases regarding conference business will be made by the conference secretary.


Section 3.            Each member school shall serve as the presiding school for a period of one year in the

                              following alphabetical order of rotation:


                              2016-17               Maysville                            2017-18               Milan

                              2018-19               North Andrew                   2019-20               Pattonsburg

                              2020-21               Polo                                     2021-22               Princeton

                              2022-23               Putnam County                2023-24                St. Joseph Christian

                              2024-25               South Harrison                  2025-26               Stanberry

                              2026-27               Trenton                               2027-28               Worth County

                              2028-29               Albany                                 2029-30               Gallatin

                              2030-31               King City                             2031-32               Maysville


Section 4.            A.  The superintendent of the presiding school shall be the president of the conference

                                    and preside over the meetings of the conference.  In the event of the president’s

                                    absence, his/her secondary principal will serve as president.  The secretary-treasurer

                                    for the conference shall be appointed or hired.  The president’s term will begin with

                                    the first conference meeting in August.  The presiding school will provide all member

                                    schools with an updated Grand River Conference Constitution at the August meeting.


                              B.  The secretary-treasurer shall:                             

  1.  Keep the minutes of all the meetings of the conference, maintain the constitution, maintain the funds, and keep the historical documentation of the conference.
  2. Make all purchases for the conference.
  3. Receive all monies belonging to the conference from any source and pay out the same on order of the conference.
  4. Render a report on the business of the conference at each conference meeting.
  5. The appointed/hired secretary-treasurer of the conference shall be paid an annual stipend of $2250.00 and mileage of $.54 per mile, and meal reimbursement associated with conference business.
  6. Submit a statement of actual expenses incurred by the office of secretary-treasurer in transacting the business of the conference for payment.
  7. Act as liaison, appear and help conduct all conference meetings including all-conference selection meetings.
  8. Establish a bank account designated to conduct the business of the conference.  Two signatures consisting of the secretary-treasurer and the superintendent of the Albany School District will be able to write checks to conduct conference business.  The superintendent of Albany School District will be the second designated signature as long as the secretary-treasurer is a resident of Albany. 

Section 5.            The Grand River Conference superintendents shall have the following powers and

                              duties:  general supervision over the business of conference, promotion of the mutual

                              interests of conference members, interpretation of the rules of the conference relative

                              to all conference activities, administration of all matters as determined by the

                              constitution, by-laws or regulations of the conference, and administration of final

                              approval on all business, minutes, and recommendations of the conference meetings.


Section 6.            No expenses for food shall be paid from the conference treasury for any meeting or





The rules of eligibility shall be the same as in the Missouri State High School Activities Association.




The annual dues shall be determined and set by the superintendents at the August meeting.   Member schools will be responsible for such additional assessments, approved by the superintendents, as are necessary to finance the approved activities of the Grand River Conference.




Section 1.            The articles of the constitution of the conference may be amended by a two-thirds vote

                              and the by-laws may be amended by a majority vote.


Section 2.            Any proposed amendment must be sent to the secretary in sufficient time that he/she

                              may notify member schools at least one month before the meeting in which a vote may          

                              be cast.




Section 1.            A quorum shall be nine member schools which must be present in order that conference

                             business can be legally transacted.


Section 2.            A majority vote, except where the constitution specifically states otherwise, shall be one

                             more than half the votes cast, ignoring blanks, or members not voting, and shall be

                             sufficient for the adoption of any motion that is in order.


Section 3.            Schools may vote on issues regarding specific conference activities only if they are

                             currently participating in those conference activities.



By-Law I

Rule books and interpretations in all sports shall be those recommended by the National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations.


By-Law II


The host school shall be responsible for initiating contracts between participating schools.   For failure to play a scheduled varsity contest during the regular season, the offending school shall pay the offended school damages as follows:




Wrestling and Softball-$150


In the event of extenuating circumstances, all efforts will be made to reschedule a cancelled contest unless there is mutual agreement by both schools that the contest will not be rescheduled.


By-Law III


The superintendents are invested with the power to suspend schools from membership for proven charges of the following nature:


  1.  Failure to pay dues or fines.
  2. Forfeiture as defined by MSHSAA rules.

By-Law IV

At least four MSHSAA officials shall be used in all varsity football contests, two MSHSAA officials shall be used in all varsity basketball and softball contests, and one MSHSAA official shall be used in all varsity wrestling and track meets.

By-Law V


The Grand River Conference shall issue conference passes to faculty, staff, board members, their spouses and children in grades K-12.  Passes will be honored at all regularly scheduled conference activities.  Each superintendent shall notify the conference secretary how many passes their school will need.  The Grand River Conference will set the price of student and adult admissions to all varsity conference events excluding academic bowl and golf.  Adult admission will be set at $4.00 for adults and $3.00 for students.  


By-Law VI


All-conference teams shall be chosen at the end of the regular season in a meeting at a time set by the conference secretary-treasurer.  GRC East all-conference selections will be made in meetings at Trenton High School.  GRC West selections will be made in meetings at Stanberry High School in odd-numbered school years and at King City High School in even-numbered school years.  Results of the all-conference voting will be released to media outlets immediately after the end of the selection meeting.   All-conference certificates will be marked as GRC East or GRC West.


By-Law VII


A committee shall be formed to deal with potential problems which may arise within the conference that require an expedient solution.  This committee shall exist of one new school and one traditional conference school from both the eastern and western divisions along with the president of the conference during that year.  The members of this committee will change to involve new schools to begin with the August meeting to start a new school year.




Changes in scheduling, starting times, and alteration of sub-varsity game formats outlined by the conference may be made by mutual agreement of the competing schools.  


By-Law IX


Grand River Conference athletic directors will meet at the first conference meeting in August and approximately a week prior to the superintendent’s meeting in the fall and spring at 9:00 a.m. at Bethany each year.


By-Law X


Inter-conference co-ops will be allowed if they add to the conference, but not if it results in a reduction in the conference.


By-Law XI-Football


  1.  All football games scheduled by the conference shall be on Friday nights and the starting time shall be 7:00 p.m.  
  2. For the GRC East (11-man schools) the first two weeks of the season will be kept open for non-conference games.  Their master schedule will roll conference games scheduled from week nine to week three every two years with all other games moving down one week.  
  3. The GRC West (8-man schools) will stagger their open dates due to an overall shortage of schools playing 8-man schools to fill non-conference openings.  
  4. The all-conference squad will consist of a first and second team on offense and defense.  Each coach is responsible for nominating their players for only one offensive and one defensive position, excluding punter, kicker, and return specialist.  All nominations for all-conference will be made and will cease prior to the start of any voting.  The first team will consist of the top vote-getters by position.  The second team will be selected by another vote of the coaches on the remaining nominees.  Any player receiving two or more votes on the first or second team ballots and not making the first or second team will receive honorable mention to the all-conference team.  Coaches may not vote for any player from their own team.  In the event of a tie vote, all players involved in the tie shall be on the first team. Likewise, a tie vote for second team shall result in all those involved in the tie to be placed on the second team.
  5. The GRC East all-conference team (11-man) shall consist of the following offensive positions:  five interior linemen, one tight end, two wide receivers, three running backs, and one quarterback.  All-conference defensive selections will consist of the following positions:  two defensive ends, three interior linemen, four linebackers, four defensive backs, and one “athlete.”  The all-conference team will also consist of a punter, kicker, and a return specialist.
  6. The GRC West all-conference team (8-team) shall consist of the following offensive positions:   three interior linemen, two wide receivers, one tight end, two running backs, one quarterback, and one all-purpose back.  All-conference defensive selections will consist of the following positions:  two defensive ends, two interior linemen, one linebacker/down lineman, three linebackers, and two defensive backs.  The all-conference team will also consist of a punter, kicker, and return specialist.
  7. The use of the MSHSAA “mercy rule” was adopted in the event of a 45-lead in an eight-man football game at or after half-time in that the game may be ended by mutual agreement of both schools.  

By-Law XII-Basketball

  1. All boys and girls conference basketball games will be played on the same nights and the first game shall start at 6:00 p.m.   
  2. The all-GRC East and all GRC West squads will consist of a first and second team.  All nominations for the all-conference team will be made and will cease prior to the start of any voting.  The first team will be the top six vote-getters without regard to position.   The second team will be selected by another vote of the coaches on the remaining nominees and will also consist of six players.  Coaches will vote for eight players on both the first and second team ballots.  Any player receiving two or more votes and not making first or second team will receive honorable mention to the all-conference team.  Coaches may not vote for any player from their own team.  No additional votes will be taken to break ties.  If the number of unanimous votes for either the first or second team exceeds six in number, all of those chosen unanimously shall be placed on that team.  
  3. The interdivisional games will be played in one central location and shall be called the GRC Showcase.  All profits from this event will go to the conference.   Allowable expenses include payment of custodians and gatekeepers, an on-site trainer, and a tournament manager to be paid $200.00.  Decisions on hospitality room and the sale of t-shirts shall be left to the host school and the host school will retain the profit or expenses from those decisions.   An individual will be paid $200.00 to hire officials for the GRC Showcase.  Schools desiring to host must have two gyms available in their community and send a letter to the GRC secretary expressing their desire to host the event.  Superintendents shall decide the location of the event.  It is preferable that the location rotate from east to west in alternating years.  Ten minutes will be allowed between games and eight minutes allowed between halves.  No shooting by teams other than those playing will be allowed at halftime.  A traveling trophy will be created for the conference champion and individuals will be given to members of the championship teams.  The first tiebreaker for determining divisional standings will be head-to-head outcomes.  The second tiebreaker will be point differentials with a maximum allowable difference of 20 points in games involving those teams tied in the standings.   In the event a tie still exists, the third tiebreaker will be a coin toss.  Games will begin at 9:00 a.m. and the championship games will be played in the main gymnasium as the last two games of the night.  
  4. If bad weather makes playing the GRC Showcase after the completion of the master schedule, it will be left to the schools playing each other to reschedule the game.  In the event the games are rescheduled, the host site will be decided by what division was scheduled to host the GRC Showcase.
  5. The use of three officials at conference games is recommended, but not mandatory.
  6. Following the MSHSAA recommendation, shooting will not be allowed at half-time of conference games.

By-Law XIII-Softball

  1. Starting times for softball games will be 5:30 p.m. with the junior varsity game to follow the completion of the varsity game.   
  2. The all-GRC East and all-GRC West squads will consist of a first and second team.  All nominations for the all-conference team will be made and will cease prior to the start of any voting.  The first team will be the top ten vote-getters without regard to position.   The second team will be selected by another vote of the coaches on the remaining nominees and will also consist of ten players.  Coaches will vote for 12 players on both the first and second team ballots.  Any player receiving two or more votes and not making first or second team will receive honorable mention to the all-conference team.  Coaches may not vote for any player from their own team.  No additional votes will be taken to break ties.  If the number of unanimous votes for either the first or second team exceeds ten in number, all of those chosen unanimously shall be placed on that team.
  3. An inter-divisional game will be played on Thursday nine days after the last scheduled game as set by the Grand River Conference master softball schedule.  The reason for nine-day delay is to allow for making up games due to bad weather.  The inter-divisional game will be played at the western division site in odd-numbered school years and at the eastern division sites on even-numbered school   years.   The inter-divisional games will involve the teams finishing first playing each other, the teams finishing second playing each other, and so on through all eight places.  In the event of a two-way tie in divisional standings, the higher place will go to the school that won in head-to-head competition.   In the event of a tie involving more than two schools and head-to-head competition does not determine where the schools shall be placed, the fewest runs allowed in games in which the schools played each other shall be the tiebreaker and determine the place in the division standings.  In the unlikely event that a tie remains, a coin flip will determine the place in the division standings.  
  4. If bad weather makes playing the inter-divisional game on the scheduled date, it will be left to the schools playing each other to reschedule the game.  
  5. Junior varsity softball will be governed by the following rules:
  1.  Maximum of ten minutes between the varsity and junior varsity games.
  2. Games will consist of five innings or a one hour and fifteen-minute time limit.
  3. Half-innings will end with three outs or seven runs scored.
  4. All softball rules for shortened games apply (15-run lead after three innings).
  1. Junior high softball “A” games will be seven-inning games if possible, but no new inning will start after a one-hour, thirty-minute time limit.
  1. Maximum of ten minutes between the “A” games and “B” games.
  2. “B” Games will consist of five innings or a one-hour time limit.
  3. In “B” games, half-innings will end with three outs or nine batters coming to the plate.
  4. All rules for shortened games apply (15-run lead after three innings) in “B” games.


By-Law XIV-Wrestling


  1. The Grand River Conference wrestling tournament will be held on the last Saturday in January.  Weigh-ins will be at 8:00 a.m. with a drop/add meeting starting at 8:30 a.m.  Matches will start at 9:30 a.m.
  2. The site for the conference wrestling tournament will be determined on a rotating basis.


               2018-19               Gallatin                               2019-20               Maysville

               2020-21               North Andrew                   2021-22               Polo

               2022-23               South Harrison                  2023-24               Stanberry

               2024-25               Trenton                               2025-26               Albany


  1. The tournament director will be assigned by the host school.
  2. Admission charged will be $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students.
  3. Individual medals will be awarded to the top four finishers in each weight class.
  4. The computer program used at the GRC wrestling tournament should be paid for by the conference and be one that is MSHSAA-recommended.
  5. The host school will be responsible for sending profits from the gate receipts to the secretary-treasurer after the tournament. The conference will pay the cost of officials, a trainer in attendance, and a tournament manager. Schools may subtract the cost of gatekeepers and custodians from the gate receipts and their cost should be included in their tournament financial statement.

By-Law XV-Golf

  1. The Grand River Conference girls golf tournament will be held the last Monday in September.  The boys golf tournament will be held during the week prior to the district tournament.
  2. The Grand River Conference varsity tournaments will be played on a neutral 18-hole course unless conditions make it impossible to schedule.  If rescheduling is necessary, the tournament may be played on a nine-hole course at the school in charge of the conference.  If that school is unable to host, the opportunity will fall to the next year’s host and so on through the host rotation until a course is found to have the tournament.  The host course must have grass greens.
  3. Each school competing in the conference tournament shall have no more than five players at the tournament for varsity competition.  Each coach shall designate his competing team before the competition is started.  At the end of 18 holes, the four low scores shall be totaled to determine the team score.  
  4. In case of bad weather at the conference tournament, at least nine holes must be completed to be able to declare a conference champion.   
  5. The golf tournament will be administered by the following:


2018-19               Albany                                                2019-20 Gallatin

2020-21               Maysville                                           2021-22 Milan

2022-23               Putnam County                               2023-24-South Harrison

2024-25               Stanberry                                           2025-26-Trenton


  1. Medals will be awarded to the first-place team (five medals) and second place team (five medals).  Individual medals will be awarded to the top ten places.  


By-Law XVI-Track and Field

  1. The Grand River Conference varsity track meet will be one 16-team meet with no divisional breakdown in heats or scoring and will be held on the Tuesday preceding the district track meet.  There will be recognition of divisional champions, but no plaques given to divisional champions.

Rain dates will be Wednesday and Thursday of the same week.   The junior high conference track meets will be divisional meets only consisting of GRC East and GRC West teams.   They will be held on the Thursday preceding the district track meet.  The rain date will be the Friday preceding the district track meet.  

  1. The varsity track meet will be rotated among the schools that have eight-lane all-weather tracks with pole vault facilities.   The host rotation will be as follows:

               2023-24               Putnam County                2024-25               St. Joseph Christian

               2025-26               South Harrison                  2026-27               Albany

               2027-28               Milan                                   2028-29               King City

               2022-23               Albany

  1. The junior high divisional meet will be held at schools with all-weather tracks.  The host rotation will be as follows:

               2018-19               South Harrison (East)      St. Joseph Christian (West)

               2019-20               Milan (East)                       Albany (West)

               2020-21               Putnam County (East)     Worth County (West)

               2021-22               Trenton (East)                   North Andrew (West)

               2022-23               Princeton (East)                King City              (West)

  1. The coaches meeting will be held at 12:30 p.m.   Field events will start at 1:00 p.m.   Running events will begin at 3:30 p.m. with no preliminaries.  Schools will be allowed two entries for individual events and one entry for relays.
  2. The varsity meet will score eight places and award GRC cast medals to the first six places for all running and field events and the first four places to all relay teams.  The junior high meet will score six places and award stock medals to the first four places for all running and field events and the first four places to all relay teams.  
  3. Admission will be $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students at the conference track meet.  Admission will be $4.00 for adults and $3.00 for students at the junior high divisional meet.
  4. The host school will be responsible for sending gate receipt profits to the secretary-treasurer after the meet. The conference will pay the cost of starters, a trainer in attendance, and a meet manager. The host school may subtract the cost of gatekeepers, custodians, and meet workers from the gate receipts and their cost should be included in the meet financial statement.

By-Law XVII-Band

  1. The second or third Wednesday in January of even-numbered years will be designated as the date for Grand River Conference band auditions at South Harrison (depending on the date of the South Harrison basketball tournament) who will provide rooms for the required auditions.   The host school will furnish necessary percussion equipment and stands for the auditions.  Auditions will begin at 3:45 p.m.  The Grand River Conference band concert will be held on the first Saturday in February at 5:00 p.m. with rehearsals to begin at 9:00 a.m.
  2. Band directors shall nominate students in grades 9-12 only for all-conference band auditions.  Students must audition for the all-conference band.  The instrumentation will follow that of the all-state band.  If the audition is called off due to inclement weather, the band directors will meet and be responsible for placing the nominated students in the appropriate section based upon their evaluations of the students.
  3. Band directors will meet on the third Monday in September at 6:30 p.m. in Bethany during the year of the conference band concert to coordinate and prepare for the upcoming clinic and concert.
  4. The directors will work with the conference president regarding the arrangement for hiring a guest clinician.  The guest clinician will be used for the Saturday rehearsal and should be hired the spring prior to the performance date.   Clinicians will be paid $500.00 plus $.35 per mile.
  5. The audition materials will include the preparation of scales C, G, D, A, E, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, and Chromatic, the playable range of the instrument.  Memorization is not a requirement and bonus points are not awarded for memorization of scales during the auditions.  High school audition music will be from Northwest District Junior High audition music, set 2.
  6. All-conference certificates will be presented to those individuals selected to the All-GRC band.  The executive secretary will send a copy of the above rules and regulations to each school in the fall of the year to be given to the instrumental music teacher.  A program from the previous year will be included with this material.

By-Law XVIII-Vocal Music

  1. The Grand River Conference vocal music concert will be held on the first Saturday In February of odd-numbered years at South Harrison High School.  There will be no auditions for the all-conference choir.  Rehearsal will begin at 9:00 a.m. and the concert will be at 5:00 p.m.
  2. Choir directors shall nominate four students in grades 9-12 for each voice part (SATB).  Directors may be allowed to select outstanding students in grades 7-8 to complete their representation of voice parts.  Directors may also submit a list of alternates from which the host director may draw to balance the ensemble.  
  3. Choir directors will meet on the third Monday in September at 6:30 p.m. in Bethany during the year of the conference vocal music concert to coordinate and prepare for the upcoming clinic and concert.
  4. The directors will work with the conference president regarding the arrangement for a guest clinician.  The guest clinician will be used for the Saturday rehearsal and should be hired the spring prior to the performance date.  Clinicians will be paid $500.00 plus $.35 per mile.  The choir accompanist will be paid $200.00 plus $.35 per mile.  
  5. All-conference certificates will be presented to those individuals selected to the All-GRC choir.  The executive secretary will send a copy of the above rules and regulations to each school in the fall of the year to be given to the vocal music teacher.   A program from the previous year will be included with this material.

By-Law XIX-Scholar’s Bowl

  1. The Grand River Conference Scholar’s Bowl will have a four-week schedule against the other teams in their division with an optional two quarters of junior varsity to follow their varsity games each week.  All play should begin at 4:00 p.m. with the home team responsible for setting the schedule for the meet. The home team will have a bye for the second game of the night.   
  2. During week five of the schedule, a conference playoff will be played in which the sixteen schools will be divided into four-team pods.  The four schools in each pod will play each other and declare a winner from each pod from those three games.  Winners from each pod will advance to a site later in the week to determine a conference champion.  If two teams tie, head-to-head competition will determine the champion.  If three teams finish at 2-1 in their pod, the team with the most total points through those three games will be the winner.
  3. The pods will involve the following schools:
  1. Milan, Princeton, Putnam County, and Trenton
  2. King City, North Andrew, St. Joseph Christian, and Stanberry
  3. Gallatin, Maysville, Pattonsburg, and Polo
  4. Albany, North Harrison, South Harrison, and Worth County
  1. At the site of the finals, winners of the pods will play each other in the semi-finals and winners will then play for first and second place while the losers will play for third and fourth place.  The semi-final schedule will be as follows:

2022-23               Site 1 vs. Site 2 and Site 3 vs. Site 4 to be played at site 3 champion

2023-24               Site 1 vs. Site 4 and Site 2 vs. Site 3 to be played at site 2 champion

2024-25               Site 1 vs. Site 4 and Site 2 vs. Site 3 to be played at site 4 champion

2021-2022           Site 1 vs. Site 3 and Site 2 vs. Site 4 to be played at site 1 champion

  1. The GRC all-conference scholar’s bowl team will have a first and second team and honorable mention recognition.  Students must have played in three of four of the conference meets (not including post-season.  They will have scores averaged and will have averages figured to the second decimal place.  All-conference teams will be compiled based on statistics only.  The Eastern and Western Divisions will each have all-conference teams with five first team selections, five second team selections, and five honorable mention selections for each division.  Ties will result in placing those involved in the tie on highest qualifying all-conference team.
  2. As a means of checks and balances with the statistics, the host school of each conference meet will be responsible for e-mailing scoresheets signed by each of the coaches to the conference secretary for compilation.
  3. Junior high scholar’s bowl will consist of students in grades 7-8.  Junior high season will occur prior to the high school season in February and the dates of competition will be determined by the athletic directors of the GRC.   The high school season will begin with first Monday in March and continue for the next three consecutive weeks.   
  4. Junior high play will be broken into pods as outlined in part C of this by-law.  They will have three meets playing everyone in their pod and each meet will consist of two games.  
  5. In the event of cancellation of a scholar bowl meet due to bad weather or other reasons, it will not affect the ability of other schools to go ahead and host their meet.  Cancelled meets should be held later in that same week, if at all possible.  

By-Law XX-Academic All-Conference

  1. Academic all-conference may be recognized by each school for each conference sport.
  2. To receive academic all-conference recognition, the student must meet the following criteria:  
  1. A cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale at the end of the previous semester.  (A freshman GPA will be determined by the final semester of a student’s eighth grade year)
  2. A varsity letterman.
  3. A recommendation by the head coach.


By-Law XXI-Pep Club

Pep Clubs will be admitted free of charge when accompanied by their sponsor.   Visiting teams should call the host school to let them know they are bringing a pep club, preferably with at least a 24-hour notice.

By-Law XXII-Baseball

  1. Starting times for varsity baseball games have been set at 5:00 p.m.  These times may be amended by mutual agreement of both teams.
  2. A master schedule will be established in a divisional format with an inter-divisional game to be played at the conclusion of conference play.  Inter-divisional games will be played at the western division site in even-numbered years and at the eastern division site in odd-numbered years.  Inter-division games will pair teams who finish divisional play in corresponding positions in the standings.  In the event of a two-way tie in the standings, the higher place will be assigned to the school who won in head-to-head competition.   In the event of a tie involving more than two schools and head-to-head competition does not determine where the schools shall be placed, the fewest runs allowed in games in which the schools played each other shall be the tiebreaker and determine the positioning in the division standings.  
  3. The GRC all-conference baseball team will consist of a first team and second team of 10 players selected without regard for position. Each division will have its own all-conference team.  After voting for first team a second vote will be taken to determine the second team.  Any player receiving at least two votes in either round will receive honorable mention recognition.  Coaches will vote for 12 players and may not vote for their own players.


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